HAUSKAT VIDEOT Deittisivuston videossa naisella on liian monipuoliset odotukset unelmiensa mieheltä | HAUSKAT VIDEOT

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Deittisivuston videossa naisella on liian monipuoliset odotukset unelmiensa mieheltä

Video: Sketsi > Deittisivuston videossa naisella on niin monipuoliset odotukset unelmiensa mieheltä, että nainen alkaa näyttää mielenterveysongelmaiselta odotuksiensa kanssa.

I want a man... oh ...he's really really
good-looking but who like doesn't know
it at all... um who has like a really
hilarious sense of humor
but who can be like really really
serious when I say.
He should have like
a high-powered job maybe in the city but
he shouldn't be motivated by money at
all, and he should be like really
spontaneous... um when it comes to presence
but it should mainly be stuff that I
like wanted already and he should be
really really tough but really really
gentle and he should have quite a large
penis but he shouldn't feel that he has
to use all of it all of the time...
and he's got to be able to fly
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